DLG seal for focus test deformability/elasticity, long-term tread loadDLG seal for focus test BTS cattle (female animals)DLG approved seal BTS cattle (male animals)


ca. 3 cm – air cushion profile - flexible and robust

Young cattle

Dairy cattle


Fattening cattle

lying comfort
Skin friendly and
gentle on the joints
Integrated slope
promotes drying

Soft yet robust

The KIM lying mat focuses on robustness and flexibility. The 3 cm thick mat with an air cushion profile on the lower side allows cows to be comfortable while lying. It has gained popularity due to a wide range of dimensions that meet the requirements of young cattle and dairy cattle free stalls as well as lying areas for calves and fattening bulls. For fattening bulls and calves, we recommend the LongLine option (continuous roll system), as it can be installed irrespective of the divider division and gradually "grows" with the animal.

  • Proven, low maintenance pebbled surface
  • Chamfer on the rear edge: protects joints, no stumbling edge
  • Integrated slope to the rear edge helps keep the surface dry
  • Also available in XL lying length for more freedom when lying, lying down and getting up
KIM fact sheet*
ca. 3 cm
110 - 130 cm × 170/183 cm
Width × length (as single / puzzle mat)
2.5 - 50 m
Length (as a LongLine continuous roll system)

* For exact details of the available product dimensions please have a look at the respective product variants.

Instructions & downloads

Find and download information about KIM here.

More animal welfare & less work

A stable high milk yield requires animal-friendly housing methods.

For the lying area, this means comfortable, non-slip and clean free stalls, where cows are happy to spend more than 12 hours in a relaxed position. This protects the joints, relieves the hooves and enhances animal welfare.

Improved joint health

If a cow lays down on a hard lying area, its body weight is focused on one point. Excessive pressure can cause hairless areas and skin damage, leading to joint inflammation and lying damage.

In contrast, soft lying areas ensure that the pressure of the body weight is distributed across as large an area as possible. Hygiene in the free stall also plays a key role, as the accumulation of feces and fluids is a dangerous source of infection. Elastic lying mats with a slight slope to the rear edge can be kept clean and dry with relative ease and help to actively prevent lying damage.

Source: Mathis, 2006
Source: Lfl Sachsen, 1999

Higher milk yield

In addition to air, optimal barn climate and feed and water intake, the soft lying area has a significant impact on the efficiency of milk production. A cow produces most of its milk lying.

Thus, a cow should spend roughly 12 hours a day relaxing in the free stall, where the udder receives the most amount of blood flow, the rumen is most active and ruminating is stimulated. Adequate space and a comfortable ground are both indispensable for enhancing lying time quality.

Less bedding and maintenance

Compared to traditional deep bedded stalls, elevated stalls with a soft lying mat can significantly save on bedding. Moreover, elevated stalls are also much less maintenance intensive, which additionally reduces the number of hours of work considerably. (However, an adequate amount of bedding to retain moisture is necessary and boosts animal welfare.)

Incidentally: Low straw consumption not only saves time and money, it is also positive from an occupational health and safety perspective: Less straw = less fine dust.

Source: Heidenreich, 2007
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