
Gummiwerk KRAIBURG Elastik GmbH & Co. KG
Göllstraße 8
84529 Tittmoning

Tel.: +49 8683 701-0
Fax: +49 8683 701-190

Company's registered office: Tittmoning
Registration Office: Traunstein · HRA No.: 11347

Personally liable partner: Gummiwerk KRAIBURG Elastik Verw. GmbH
Registered office: Tittmoning
Registration Office: Traunstein · HRB No.: 22953
Managing Director: Markus Wallner

VAT ID No. DE 811 190 350 (according to § 27 a Turnover Tax Act)

Copyright and liability for links

We accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever, especially regarding damage or other consequences caused by the use of the material provided on this server. We are not responsible or liable for correctness or completeness of the material provided. Furthermore we are not responsible for the information provided being free from copyright.

We have no influence upon the contents of external websites. The links on this website were created after viewing of their content. However, the contents of websites are often subject to change. If, therefore, an external link no longer functions or if it does not lead to the contents specified, please let us know – we will be happy to correct the fault. If you have any reason for complaint concerning the content of a linked website, please contact the provider of the respective website.

The copyright of all material on this server is reserved, especially all objects such as diagrams, photographs, buttons and other graphical items.

Image rights

Unless stated otherwise, all image rights are owned by Gummiwerk KRAIBURG Elastik GmbH & Co. KG.

Technical Concept & Realization

Communiacs GmbH & Co. KG
Bahnhofstraße 33
94032 Passau

Tel.: +49 0851 – 987923 0
Fax: +49 0851 – 987923 99