Soft and robust - for calving pens and selection areas


Dairy cattle

Soft and
Increased lying comfort
and better thermal insulation
Simple and flexible installation
due to 4-sided puzzle
Easy to clean
and disinfect

Comfort & hygiene

SIESTA is both soft and robust with a 3 cm thick and air-cushion-like lower side profile. It ensures increased lying comfort, better thermal insulation and slip resistance in calving pens and selection areas. It is easy to clean and disinfect, thus forming the basis for optimum hygiene. Bedding is now only used to soak up any liquids and can be easily replaced after each calving. This reduces the amount of bedding used considerably. All 4 edges of SIESTA mats are puzzle cut to ensure simple and flexible installation. The precise puzzle interlock system creates a virtually jointless lying mat.

  • Air-cushion-like lower side profile
  • Optimized surface for improved sure-footedness
  • Suitable for every stall size
  • Flexible installation and virtually jointless floor areas
  • Compatible with vehicle traffic
SIESTA fact sheet
3 cm
115 cm
170 cm

Technical data

Learn more about technical details such as dimensions, accessories, installation, care, etc.

Instructions & downloads

Find and download information about SIESTA here.

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