profiKURA Rotary

The circular profiKURA option is specially designed for rotary parlor carousels: The tailored single mats are custom-made for every system. The puzzle interlock system facilitates handling and installation of the mats: Installation is thus also possible between milking times. The corundum surface once again ensures excellent slip resistance.

  • Custom-made for every rotary parlor carousel
  • Noise and stress reducing
  • Faster milking due to improved parlor entrance and relaxed cows

Technical data

Dimensions Thickness Width Length
profiKURA Rotary 24 mm Custom-made Custom-made
Application area
Rotary parlor carousel
Installation and fixing
If necessary, fix mats in place
KRAIBURG fixing system: Stable and secure, rounded and countersunk
Maintenance tip
Keep flooring on walking areas and in milking areas as clean as possible Essential for hoof health and slip resistance!
Treatment with a high-pressure cleaner and standard cleaning agents possible.
Installation video: Installing profiKURA / KURA Rotary

KRAIBURG warranty
5 years
Detailed information on our warranty (with consideration of the service life) is available upon request from your contractual partner / dealer.

Thickness: +3/–2 mm
Width + length: +/– 1.5% (DIN ISO 3302–1 tolerance class M4)

Please refer to the relevant KRAIBURG specifications and installation instructions, which provide valuable hints and tips.

The products featured here are exclusively intended for the demonstrated applications. Technical details subject to change. Our General Terms and Conditions apply. Legal basis is the German version of the document.

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