profiKURA P on concreted slope or profiKURA 3D
The paved floor has a 3% cross slope toward the urine-collecting gutter and allows liquids to drain quickly. The slope can be concreted during construction and covered with rubber flooring. The corundum surface of the profiKURA P walking alley mat ensures high slip resistance, which is especially necessary for walking areas with a cross slope. Concrete floors with inclinations greater than 2% can turn slippery very quickly.
When it comes to constructing new barns or converting existing ones, profiKURA 3D rubber flooring is an ideal choice for greater flexibility. It has a 3% slope integrated directly into the mat – elaborate, slope concreting is no longer required.
The surface should be scraped clean at least every 2 hours with a manure removal device. The scraper usually only needs to be adapted to the slope once. The manure removal scraper should have the capacity to clean the urine-collecting gutter at the same time, unless the gutter is flushed.
Compared to slatted floors in a standard Dutch dairy barn, an expert report certifies that profiKURA 3D has an emission reduction potential of up to 44 %1). A measurement carried out by Aneco Institut also confirms 44 % less ammonia. The emission reduction potential of the profiKURA 3D mat was tested compared to that of a concrete floor with rubber covering and a 1 % slope. The mean ammonia values determined were roughly 44 % less than on the concrete floor. The maximum reduction achieved was 78 %2). The KTBL publication certifies that this flooring has an ammonia reduction potential of between 20 – 38 %.
In contrast to straight, paved floors or grooved floors, rapid drainage of urine into the urine-collecting gutter on inclined floors helps prevent "slurry ponding" when removing manure. This can help to further reduce the exposure of hooves to bacteria and moisture.
The urine-collecting gutter offers greater system safety. However, it does not directly impact the reduction in emissions, provided that the liquid can drain off sufficiently. It is very rare that high-volume urine-collecting gutters can be retrofitted in existing barns. In covered walking areas, a higher frequency of manure removal and a sufficiently deep scraper guide channel can prevent the formation of urine puddles in many cases.3)
1) Monteny Milieu Advies, August 2021: Model-based assessment of the reduction potential for NH3-emission of the innovative solid floor KRAIBURG – profiKURA 3D
2) ANECO results report 70198-001 of May 2, 2024
3) Source: